Thursday, January 11, 2007

ROCKIN' in Gearhead Magazine #15, out now!!

Hey, ROCKIN' made it into Gearhead Magazine #15, which has been shipping for the last two weeks (see photo of one day's worth of shipments, yesterday).

Yup, I'm a proud fella. For the past several years, once I got deep into the car-music thing, I've secretly wanted to be in Gearhead, The Rodders Journal, and Kustom Magazine (Italy). Watch the blogs in the weeks ahead, and you'll see if Dreams #2 and #3 came true.

Editor/Publisher Mike LaVella wrote the Gearhead piece. He quoted me liberally, and well. He and I especially like the section where he states, "So in the end, the rock and rodding world represented in ROCKIN' is truly a Socialist utopia, where wealth and fame take a back seat to an individuals drive and (his) contributions to the genre, no matter if they were enjoyed by dozens or millions. When you think about it, that's the only way to get an accurate representation of the cross-section of people that share this passion, so props to the author for seeing the whole picture, then representing it so well."

Well, duh! Except . . . that's the whole point. "It doesn't matter WHEN you got on the bus, it's that you GOT on the bus." Everybody's welcome, but you gotta rock.

Stanley Mouse and I agreed that Mike could publish a few more of the spectacular archival shots of Mouse's earlier (early '60s) career as a monster shirt artist, before he came west to join the psychedelic revolution and create some of the most iconic rock posters ever. Just one more reason for you to open up the new Gearhead and wallow around.

Thank you Mike. I'm honored to be in the mag.

ps. that's just part of Mike's collection of kits, lunchboxes, and bizarre items devoted to Ed "Big Daddy" Roth and his pals.

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