Sunday, January 14, 2007

Just back from ROCKIN' the SF Rod, Custom & Motorcycle Show (day 2)

So much to see! So many wonderful moments throughout the two days!

Here's just one (many more to be shared with you over the next couple of blogs).

I'd say well over a hundred people came up to me at the DuPont "Hot Hues" booth where I was selling and signing ROCKIN' and told me that (being primarily Bay Area people) they'd read about the book in the Contra Costa Times, the San Jose Mercury, or the San Francisco Chronicle. Some guys said their wife had seen one of the feature pieces and made ROCKIN' a Christmas gift.

So, here's Ron Wolfe and his girlfriend, holding their second (!) copy of ROCKIN' along with the Merc, as proof that great newspaper stories are indeed read, and history books are indeed discovered and given as gifts to people who really, really, really appreciate them.

Rockers and gearheads--great people, all--and that's the thought I'm taking with me as I sign off and dive on into bed.

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